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Sunlight Missionary Baptis Church


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Our History 

History of Sunlight Missionary Baptist Church

1912 - 2017

Prior to organizing as a church, weekly prayer meetings were held at the home of Mr. Will Morgan.  The church was originally named the First Missionary Baptist Church of Escambia County, Goulding, Florida and later became the Sunlight Missionary Baptist Church in the year 1912.

The first pastor was Rev. A. W. Williams.  Throughout the years many other pastors were called to serve.  Namely, Rev. H. Hawthorne, Rev. D.W. Webb, Rev. A.G. Nicely, Rev. E. Richardson, Rev. E.J. Jackson, Rev. W. Walton, and Rev. R.L. Vincent.

In the early 1930’s a tornado destroyed the church building and the congregation worshipped with St. John Devine Missionary Baptist Church until the church building was re-built.  Under the leadership of Rev. E. Junior and through sincere prayer and faith, the membership grew.  Rev. Rufus Handy was ordained as minister and Bro. Robert Hayes, Sr. and Bro. Wesley Simpkins were ordained as deacons.

In 1951, Rev. Junior resigned and relocated to another city.  Rev. Handy served as interim pastor until Rev. J.C. Sellers was called in 1952.  Under his leadership the church continued to prosper.  Additional auxiliaries were added, three (3) deacons were ordained in 1960; Bro. John Burnette, Jr., Bro. Joseph Hobdy, and Bro. Clifford Coleman.

The church found itself without a pastor in 1961 when Rev. Sellers resigned and during that time some members left the congregation, but those who remained drew closer to God and through faith and their beliefs in God, He sent a leader to guide His people.  In November of 1962, God sent a leader in Rev. Walter R. Blevins.  He embraced the congregation with outstretched arms, strengthening the church spiritually and financially.  In 1962, a ground-breaking service was held for the new church building to be located at 1919 North Davis Street.  On the third Sunday of January 1964, Rev. Blevins led the congregation, in a march, to the new church location.

The church continued to be blessed and filled with men dedicated to serve the Lord.  Rev. D. W. McMillan was licensed to preach the Gospel.  Bro. John D. Goldsmith, Bro. Clifford C. Clemmons, and Bro. Samuel T. White were ordained as deacons.

During the 64th year Church Anniversary, in October 1976, a beautiful ‘mortgage burning’ ceremony and memorial service was held to recognize those members who had passed on.

Over the years Sunlight Missionary Baptist Church has trained and nurtured other young men who have received special callings to serve the Lord.  In 1978, Rev. Edward Hayes was ordained to preach the Gospel, in 1981, Bro. Charles Hayes and Bro. Joseph Heard were ordained as deacons and in 1985, Rev. Michael Johnson was ordained to teach and preach God’s Word.

Pastor Blevins continued to lead the congregation with his humble spirit and in the 1990’s the church continued to grow through baptisms, Christian experiences and restored memberships.  On the fifth Sunday of July 1994 the church’s library was dedicated and in 1995 an educational scholarship was established to financially assist the youth of the congregation as they went on to further their post-secondary education.  Also, during the 1990’s, Sunlight was blessed by the ordination of Bro. Willie Carson, Sr., Bro. Argustus Grace, and Bro. Ronald McCreary as deacons.

After 37 years of faithful service, Pastor Blevins became ill and departed this life on May 6, 2000, leaving the church, once again, without a leader.  The church experienced and suffered some trying times, but through God’s love and the strong leadership of Rev. A.J. Thomas, who served as interim pastor, the church prevailed.  Through fasting and steadfast prayer, the congregation asked God to send a shepherd to guide His people.

God sent a man with a vision, knowledge and desire to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and also a man that loved the Lord.  On Sunday, March 25, 2001, Rev. Earthy Gaskin, Jr. was installed as pastor of Sunlight Missionary Baptist Church.  As the under-shepherd of the flock, Pastor Gaskin led men, women, boys and girls to Christ.  The church demonstrated a renewed spirit.   Also, under his leadership several men and women received and acknowledged the call to the ministry:  Min. Michael Blankenship, Min. Christopher Eccles, Min. Audra Hayes, Min. Charles Hayes, Min. Patricia House, Min. N’Kosi Jones, and Min. Andrea Teate.  Bro. Curtis Coleman, Bro. Ronnie Lee, and Bro. Eddie McCrary, and Sis. Ora Dean were ordained as deacons; and Bro. James L. Garrett was appointed as "honorary deacon”.

In September 2004, Hurricane Ivan came upon the shores of the Gulf Coast causing massive destruction in Pensacola.  While the church building was not destroyed, it incurred substantial damage.  Worship services were held at the First West Florida Baptist Center until repairs and renovations were completed.

In August 2006, our beloved assistant pastor, Rev. A.J. Thomas, was called home to rest.  His presence, wisdom and encouraging words are still truly missed.  After his passing, Pastor Gaskin appointed Evangelist Mary Clark as assistant pastor, along with Minister Charles Hayes and Evangelist Joyce Womack as associate pastors.

During the period from 2003 through 2007 the church purchased additional parcels of land; 150 feet on Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive and 82 feet on East Hernandez Street for future use.

In December 2008, Pastor Gaskin resigned as pastor and relocated to California to join his wife who actively served in the United States Navy.  In January 2008, Evangelist Mary Clark assumed the position of “acting pastor”.

In hopes of receiving a shepherd for the congregation, a pastor search committee was formed in January 2010.  This committee continued to seek our Heavenly Father’s will and accordingly submitted attentively in prayer to His direction.  In the summer of 2010, Evangelist Clark departed to continue her calling as an evangelist and in August 2010 the church asked Rev. J. L. Savage to serve as interim pastor.  Rev. Savage came to us full of the Holy Spirit, imparting the Word as given by the Holy Spirit.  The church was in continuous prayer and had faith that God would send a Spirit-filled man with the vision to love, lead, preach and teach the people of this church.

Recognizing the need for the church to move to a higher plateau of spiritual knowledge and understanding and to become true witnesses for Christ, God led the church to extend the call to Rev. Jimmie L. Savage to serve as pastor.  Pastor Savage accepted the invitation and was installed as pastor on Sunday, October 2, 2011.

On October 21, 2012 we observed 100 years of existence, and we continue to celebrate a century plus of souls saved, and generations of individuals and families serving the Lord

In March 2017, Pastor Jimmie Savage announced to the congregation that God had ‘shifted’ his work in ministry and offered his letter of resignation to the church, effective August 6, 2017.  As the congregation continued in prayer, God sent to us an anointed servant leader, Pastor Kevin F. Simmons; a Spirit led preacher and teacher who listens to hear from God for direction.  Pastor Simmons accepted the invitation and was installed as pastor on Sunday, September 17. 2017.  We, at Sunlight, are excited about what God is doing through Pastor Simmons for us and the Kingdom. 

As the church continues to grow and make history, its members are truly blessed to have a House of Worship that has evolved into a powerful beacon of light for Christ.  We give God all the glory, honor, and praise.

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    Sunlight Baptist Church Inc.

    PO Box 2349

    Pensacola, FL 32513-2349                                                                                                                                                                                    

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